Skin to Skin

Hey friends and family,

This is a simple one.  It’s a teaser for a few months down the road when you may get to meet our special little guy.  Yesterday Tanya got to hold Desmond for the first time.  One sweet hour of pure Heaven, and first time either of us got to bond with him.

Tanya holds Desmond for the first time.

Then today, it was my turn for some skin to skin.  The nurse asked if I had “manskaped” before holding him.  Fortunately the chest fur was not something that Desmond was going to have to encounter his first time with daddy.  We snuggled for over an hour.  It was the best hour of my life.

PapaPandesal holds Desmond for the first time.

Prayer requests:

  • Pray that Tanya’s pain is gone (so that she can walk around and get in and out of bed without pain like normal people)
  • Keep praying that Desmond gets stronger and healthier
  • Pray that his caretakers take exceptional care of him too
  • Pray that Tanya’s blood pressure stays in normal, healthy ranges
  • Pray for an easy move
Thanks for continuing to stand with us in faith.  God is surely good!  Don’t forget to leave a comment (we moderate them, so don’t frazzle if you don’t see it right away).  We’d love to hear from you!
Nick, Tanya, and Desmond

Please don’t share these photos with anyone else or put it on facebook. Thanks!

Mark 11

22 “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.23 “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

15 thoughts on “Skin to Skin”

  • These are precious. Thank you for sharing your photos and updates with us. I’m so glad you were finally able to have some skin on skin time with your little man. He looks so happy and content in your arms.

  • Such a precious moment. I’m so happy you are able to hold him. Such proud momma and papa. We continue with all your prayer request. Thanks for sharing pictures. He’s truly a miracle. Love those tiny hands and cute nose.

  • Wow, that is the most precious post I’ve ever read. I teared up here at subway on my lunchbreak. you three are beautiful and our church family is so BLESSED to have you. I’ve been praying. the prayer points are extremely helpful. I love getting to share this miraculous time with you!

  • Love the photos!

    Wish we were there to help u with the move…i love moving n have gotten used to iy after 5 moves already.

    Hope u guys get help right away.

    May&Mark Dao

  • I love him already! So happy for you two….now three! 🙂 I am looking forward to meeting him soon in person and will be praying for you all! Thank you so much for the updates. Please keep me posted if you need anything. I will be checking the blog, but please also feel free to text. I am so happy to have a new addition to our Belltown Family and so happy God placed you in our family!!! Love you all and praying for you!!!!

  • He is soooo perfect and so cute. What a special time for you. Can’t wait to see him and you both.

  • What great pictures , what happiness!! Desmond is blessed to have such carring parents.
    Diane and I will continue to pray for all of you .
    Love to all , Grandpa ( Lolo )and Diane

  • Thank you so much for sharing the pictures. Baby Des, you’re so cute! I’m sure he also feels like he’s in heaven being against Mommy and Daddy’s skin. We will continue to pray for you guys.

  • holding babies in my arms is the best part of my job. it never grows old. and I can imagine the pleasure you must have had doing this for the first time with Desmond. I am thrilled for you. 😀

  • I’m glad that you guys are able to hold him already… the pictures made me cry! I know what its like to hold your baby for the first time…. its the most surreal feeling…almost unbelievable! We’re excited for you guys and we can’t wait for you to be able to bring Baby Desmond home. You guys are always in our prayers…. 🙂

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