It Still Gets Interesting

Hey everyone,

I know we haven’t posted the last couple of days. I guess we just ran out of words or couldn’t figure out what else to say after the recent events. Don’t worry, it’s not about Desmond. Our little one is doing really good. Today he’s onto full feeds, which means less tubes going into his body to help him digest. That’s great news. Also he pooped last night which is another big deal because it means he’s digesting mama’s milk really well. They said that once all the tubes are gone, he’d be ready to transfer to Group Health on Capitol Hill so they can take care of him there. Which means, he will be closer to us and it’d be easier for me to see him whenever I want to.

Now onto recent events. Two mornings ago, I woke up at 5:30 in the morning to take some meds. Only to find out, as I was sipping on the straw from my water jug, that the right side of my face wasn’t moving. Yes you heard that right. The right side of my face wasn’t moving!!! I woke Nick up to tell him what’s going on. He called 911 and in 2 minutes there were firemen and medics in our bedroom. Turns out, I wasn’t having a stroke (thank you Lord!) but it was something else. After the firemen and medics left, Nick decided it’s best to take me to the doctor to see what’s going on. After an EKG, CT scan, blood draw and other tests, the diagnosis was Bell’s Palsey. Which we find out is another random thing you can get post partum. Nice! I guess preeclampsia wasn’t random enough.

They gave me steroids and antiviral meds to take for a week. As well as special eye drops to make sure my right eye doesn’t dry out. Thank God I can close my eyes and my lips are NOT drooping. It could be worse really. It’s just hard to drink and eat since the right side of my lips are not moving. At least I still have dimples to show on the left side of my cheek.

Ah I don’t know whether to laugh or cry anymore. It’s more than surreal.ย What’s crazy about this is, after everything that is happening to us, I really really felt God telling me, “Watch what I’m about to do.” Like with all these happening, He’ll suddenly turn it around into miracle after miracle that would make us see how big and amazing He is.

My faith in Him is stronger. My tears, they still come, but I know I will be ok. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through in my whole life and I still believe and have faith that He will pull me and my family through this.

Please pray for…

  • My face to go back to normal… no more Bell’s Palsey in Jesus name!
  • Grace upon grace for my husband who has been so busy with the packing and moving, dealing with paperwork and taking care of me and Des
  • For joy to fill our home no matter what
  • For comfort and peace despite all the bad news we are getting
  • For Desmond to keep growing and to get stronger everyday

Thank you again for keeping us in your prayers. Thank you friends for the food that you have been providing for us since it’s been tricky to try and make food ourselves. We love you all!



I had skin to skin time with Des last night and it was wonderful. I don’t think he noticed my face. He was sleeping so soundly. He also liked the Filipino songs I have been singing to him. Especially the Filipino vegetable song. :-p

10 thoughts on “It Still Gets Interesting”

  • I hope you’ll recover fast… this is a very sad news…. ๐Ÿ™ Whenever I’m down, I focus on the good side of life and I know that Baby Desmond and Nick will help you to keep on moving. You have a beautiful family and they’ll be with you always…no matter what. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • wowzers. I have no words either. Glad to hear Desmond didn’t notice or mind your face… ๐Ÿ™‚ Tanya you are a real trooper.You will get through this. Praise the Lord that we can hope and trust in Him.

  • Hi, Tanya, Nick and DES.
    Dear family: I do not write much but I want to assure you that you are in my constant prayers! Everything will work out fine. No weapon formed against you shall prosper!
    Find yourselves some good declarations and say them aloud, to the Nort, South, East and West.
    Proclaim, and claim the Word! It has power to create!
    Jesus is all in all!
    Liza’s mom, Margo!

  • You are an amazing woman and have an amazing husband! I can’t wait to see you and your beautiful baby! My prayers are with you all.

  • Tans! Ano ba yan! (Translation: OMGosh!). I’m with you, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at that Bell’s Palsy experience. But I want to let you know that I admire you and Nick at how you both are dealing with these trials. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. Through these, we can pray for you and also rejoice at what our God is about to do. He will never leave His children. He has your family cradled in the palm of His hands.

  • We are praying for you and your family. You are amazing! I’m so excited to hear about, and see the miracles God is going to bring to you and your family. Please keep me posted on anything you need for Des and yourselves. Send an email or give a call and we will find it for you. Can’t wait to see you and meet little Des.

  • Hi Tanya,

    You’re so right, it is very interesting. And I say this more with amazement at God’s work and just consistency of His word. I k.ow because Ive been thru the same, almost or sort of. Like when i was pregnant i was also one of those 0.3% that suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum (severe vomitting &nausea to the point of not eating for 5 months), and one of 0.5% that had placenta previa (placenta dangerously blocking the cervix), and baby having jaundice for several days after coming out. Dami pa hirap i wouldnt mention here anymore. I relate with how u think and pray and feel. It’s all good, like you believe and say. Only because you have Jesus. Thats the only and important thing there. I’d like to encourage u with God’s word i listed here —!/note.php?note_id=442912668846&ref=bookmark&__user=778425651

    Glory to our God who loves you, Nick and Desmond.

    May&Mark Dao

  • Hi Tanya, I have a colleague who also had Bell’s palsy after her delivery. Now she has fully recovered. You will be amazed as to how God will uphold you in trials like these. I have said just wait and see How God will show how Great and Mighty He is……..maiiyak ka naman sa tuwa..

  • And through all this you’re still able to pump milk for your little man. I detested pumping so much when I had to do it, and it was so much less than what you’re enduring AND without this sort of stress. You are AMAZING. Desmond has wonderful parents.

  • Dear Hayes Family:
    You are loved, you are wonderful, our hearts our with you and our prayers are bombarding heaven for breakthrough. I am excited to hear of the “WoW” that God is showing you. You are such an encouragement while walking through this. May this weekend by a joyous occasion of moving! How I miss you and look forward to holding Baby Des!!!
    Love always,
    Liza & Daniel

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