Crazy Cravings

I guess my husband is having a harder time with all these crazy cravings I am having. Who would’ve thought that I would actually crave for pickles and stuffed olives at midnight? I finally got him to get me some around 1am. He’s such a trooper for going out into the cold to get me some yummy pickles. haha! He even said that there were two guys behind him at the cashier and one of them goes, “Pickles at midnight?” My husband replied with, “Yeah, I have a pregnant wife.” The guys says, “Ohhhh!!! Yeah, I’ve been there.”

My mom asked me the other day if there was one specific thing that I kept on craving for. I noticed that I didn’t. It keeps changing everyday. One moment I want noodles, the next moment I want pizza. Who craves for pizza? I have never craved for it!

I think what makes my husband happy is seeing the big smile on my face after I’ve taken a bite out of something that I’ve been craving for. One minute I’m a monster with the scary voice saying, “I want some french fries!!! NOWWW!!!” (GROWL!!!!) and then one bite I turn into an angel. HAHA! How awful for my husband!

Last night, my husband said. “You’re sooo moody!” I said. “I am NOT moody! You’re moody!!! Don’t ask me questions like that!!!!”

Oh my! This is just the beginning.

Dear hunny, I apologize in advance for the monster that keeps coming out. I don’t mean for it to come out. It just does. I guess when it does come, all you have to do is feed it.

4 thoughts on “Crazy Cravings”

  • Ohh my goodness… pickles in the middle of the night and you are too funny with your not craving pizza… i soo want to see your belly photos.. and did you make it through the weekend without sharing???

  • Wow, pickles at midnight? They sure do say every pregnancy is different. I never craved pickles at all but I did crave Taco Bell and smoothies. Considering I have not eaten Taco Bell since High School, Johnny was very shocked. He also had to take a drive at night (well not at midnight) to get me two soft tacos:) In Canada they have the fries supreme at Taco Bell and it was so yummy, I had one a day. In the States they don’t have the fries supreme so Johnny made it at home for me. Our husbands are wonderful. You are a great husband Nick. You only have 8 more months to spoil her. Enjoy it Tanya, it’s great.

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