The highs and lows….

But definitely more highs!! Last June 6th our lovely little man turned 2 months old! Time sure does fly so fast. It honestly doesn’t feel that he’s been at the hospital for that long. I guess that’s a good thing. Probably the reason why it 

A Great Day

Hello Friends and Family, I know its been a while, but Papa Pandesal is back in (blogging) action!  We had a good day yesterday.  Yesterday, Desmond was the most awake he’s ever been.  He hung out with mom and dad and breast fed the most 

Taking it Day by Day

Nick and I have decided that we should share with you something the doctors have told us on May 8th. I guess it took us a while to share it with you since it’s a been a bit rough, we’re taking it day by day 

You Just Do

I feel like I am in limbo. In between the uncertain. I don’t know what to do except do what I know to do. Before, when people would tell me about the hardships they’ve gone through, I think to myself, “Wow, I don’t know if I 


Hi everyone! I know we haven’t been posting as often. We do have updates. It’s just that after the move we’ve been trying to settle in. Nick has been busy with the old apartment making sure everything is clean and also getting everything out of 

Dancing the Troubles Away

Before Nick closed the door behind him, he said, “Play some music.”  Next thing I knew, I had James Brown singing to me, and I was up on my feet shaking what my momma gave me. Well what do you know, I may not have 

It Still Gets Interesting

Hey everyone, I know we haven’t posted the last couple of days. I guess we just ran out of words or couldn’t figure out what else to say after the recent events. Don’t worry, it’s not about Desmond. Our little one is doing really good. 

Always Hoping

I wouldn’t say everything is back to “normal.” This morning, Nick and I woke up well rested and able to joke with each other. It’s so nice to be married to someone who makes me laugh. It is still painful to laugh but it is 

Skin to Skin

Hey friends and family, This is a simple one.  It’s a teaser for a few months down the road when you may get to meet our special little guy.  Yesterday Tanya got to hold Desmond for the first time.  One sweet hour of pure Heaven, 

Coming Home

Today Tanya was discharged from UW Medical.  It’s bitter sweet.  On the one hand, yay, my wife’s blood pressure is finally at a semi-normal level thanks to loads of great drugs.  Yay, I don’t have to stress about the possibility that my once very healthy