Author: Tanya

Always Hoping

I wouldn’t say everything is back to “normal.” This morning, Nick and I woke up well rested and able to joke with each other. It’s so nice to be married to someone who makes me laugh. It is still painful to laugh but it is 

Skin to Skin

Hey friends and family, This is a simple one.  It’s a teaser for a few months down the road when you may get to meet our special little guy.  Yesterday Tanya got to hold Desmond for the first time.  One sweet hour of pure Heaven, 

Coming Home

Today Tanya was discharged from UW Medical.  It’s bitter sweet.  On the one hand, yay, my wife’s blood pressure is finally at a semi-normal level thanks to loads of great drugs.  Yay, I don’t have to stress about the possibility that my once very healthy 

Mama’s Sort of Back

He’s got curly brown hair and holding on to a red balloon. This little boy running around my bed is about 2 or 3 yrs old. I know its Desmond, but I can’t see his face. I call out to him, and then I wake 

A New Day

Hello Friends and Family, Today was a much better day than yesterday.  Thank you all for your encouragement and faith.  Happy Easter, by the way.  Christ has risen!  He lives, and His power is at work in us all at this very minute.  I know 

Time with Desmond

Hello Friends and Family, I’d like to tell you about Desmond.  Desmond is now 33 hours old.  Desmond’s torso is about the size of my outstretched hand.  His legs are about the same length.  His head is smaller than my clenched fist.  Today, as he was sleeping 

Time to Induce

Hello Friends and Family, The time has come, Tanya is slowly being induced for labor.  What this means is that Desmond will be born within the next few days.  Induced labor is not quite the same as “natural” labor.. and according to the nurses and 

Wednesday Update

Hello Friends and Family, Last night Tanya was taken off magnesium, and shortly after her blood pressure went sky high and they had to put her back on it very quickly, as well as increase the dosage of blood pressure medication from twice daily to 

The Power of Prayer

Hello Friends and Family, Jesus is surely good!  Guest blogger Papa Pandesal here.  God is so good!  Thank you for all of your prayer and faith.  Please keep praying and believing, because it’s working! This morning, it looked as though Tanya was going to have 

Mama Pandesal in the Hospital

Hello All, Guest blogger Papa Pandesal here.  I’m going to tell you a story, a story of how Mama Pandesal ended up at the University of Washington Hospital. It all started in a land, a land far far away.  A land called West Seattle.  It