Author: Tanya

What the Heck is Going On?

What the Heck is Going On?

Well. 3 years have passed. We’re in the middle of a pandemic, the kids are homeschooling. Des is 9 and Samara is just turned 6. How does one update someone if 3 years have gone by? “Hi, I’m alive. The world is crazy. But I’m 

A New Season

A New Season

  It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here. There have been a lot of developments in our family. One of them is moving into our new home and into a totally different neighborhood. There are house projects, adjusting to a new school, and 

Cast Day

Cast Day

Monday, July 10th Before checking in, I was already on the lookout for the other boy that will be going through the program with Des. They said they’d be the same age and they’re both left hemis. (Left Hemiplagia, or weak on the left side). 

Serious Therapy

Serious Therapy

I haven’t posted in a looooong while and figured that this big thing that’s about to happen in July might be post worthy and something to share with you all. My dear dear Desmond is now 5. He’s been going to preschool for about two 

The Smiles Make Up For Everything

The Smiles Make Up For Everything

Toddler is sick. Toddler can’t go to school. Baby won’t nap. Baby will only want to be carried. Back hurts. Toddler won’t nap. Need to feed toddler…and baby. Clean up toddler. Clean up spit up. Spit up on baby and momma. Change. Dance baby around 

Introducing Samara Izadora

Introducing Samara Izadora

I already had 3 paragraphs written down to tell you all about what happened. But realized I’d have to write it in a couple of posts. In short, everything went the way it did. Naturally. I would have said expected or as planned, but since 

Round 2

Round 2

  I don’t make money out of blogging so it’s easy to skip a day or two, or a month or 6 months. Ha! I realize I haven’t even written anything down about baby number 2 that is on the way. Due in 5 weeks 

My People

Once in a while I have a motherhood/parenting thought and say to myself, “Oh yeah, that’s a good one, I should blog that.” Well, I’ve been doing that for months and don’t really post it. Now I have a bit of time and decided I should 

My Sneeze Has an Echo

This is definitely the fun age! Des is talking more and more and is even making up his own songs. He loves music and loves to dance. He especially loves putting his train tracks together with his dad as well as playing with big legos. He’s 

Definitely Asian

Desmond had a spaghetti phase for a while but it’s been months and months since I’ve served it to him since he seems to have lost interest in it. But eve since, when it comes to rice and Asian noodles, he has not once refused