Almost One






I can’t believe this little boy is going to turn a year old in one month. It’s pretty crazy! Has it been that long? Wow!

From a little 2.4 lbs baby to a 17 lbs! Yay! UW High Risk clinic suggested for Des to see a nutritionist because he’s not getting bigger fast enough. But I have to say, he’s part Filipino and his parents are not exactly tall. He eats well actually. My mom also had the same problem with me and my brothers because we were always underweight. But we still turned out ok. So I have to remind myself too
that God is taking good care of our little one.

Another thing that I’m pretty excited about is that he will be dedicated at our church too. We are always praying that Desmond be a man after Jesus’ own heart. That he would grow up knowing Jesus and share to every person he encounters the wonderful testimony of how God took care of him at the NICU and the rest of his life.

Hope you are all having a great year my dear friends and family. I feel spring coming and it’s getting me so excited about all the fun stuff we can do outside.

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