A Great Day

Hello Friends and Family,

I know its been a while, but Papa Pandesal is back in (blogging) action!  We had a good day yesterday.  Yesterday, Desmond was the most awake he’s ever been.  He hung out with mom and dad and breast fed the most he’s ever fed, nursed on both sides (he has a preference), and enjoyed his physical therapy time.  And today we saw the fruits of the PT: he was moving his left leg around in the same way we were doing PT on it the day before!  Yay!

Additionally, he’s most likely going to join the ranks of the six-pounder club tomorrow. (Remember, he was born just over 2 lbs, so this is some serious progress!)  He’s got some good meat on his bones.  His arms, legs, and cheeks are filling out nicely.  It’s so nice to see my boy getting chunky like he should be.

And that’s about it.  Small updates are the best updates.  When we go to the NICU and ask the nurse what the updates are, it’s usually that he pooped, he bottle fed, and he gained weight.  And it’s music to my ears and joy to my soul.

I do have one other thing before I go.  Today Pastor Jude preached on praying those crazy stupid prayers.  The big prayers.  The prayers of power and faith.  The prayer that you know that you know that you know that God can and will answer.  I know we have some prayer warriors out there with big faith.  So please stand with us in faith for the prayer points below.  Thank you!

Prayer Points:

  • For 100% healing in Desmond’s head, for 100% motor function in his body!
  • That Tanya is able to produce more milk than Desmond needs.
  • That Desmond is able to bottle feed and breast feed more and more every day.
  • That my phone interview on Friday goes awesome and they want to hire me ASAP (and for a great work environment, culture, boss, pay, benefits, co-workers, etc for the new career that God has for me).

Love you all!  Please leave a comment, and let us know how we can pray for you as well!

4 thoughts on “A Great Day”

  • I’m so glad to see you blogging again! Good update on Desmond. We will pray big time for all the issues you have listed. On Friday, we will wake up and pray for the interview. Love you guys!

  • Yeah!! Nick, Tanya, and Desmond we are sending all of our best wishes and prayers your direction. Life’s little annoyances are so put into perspective when we read your hurdles and milestones. Love love to you….. Karen and John.

  • Dearest Nick and Tanya,

    Thanks for sharing your heart and hardships. God has said “be strong and courageous” many times in His word, yet very certainly God has also made you two ABLE… to bear, to stand, to overcome. =)

    After reading everything (love what your mom wrote Tanya, very heartwarming) from your recent blogs, and as we all pray with you on your current circumstances, God gave me these to share with you (or more like remind you of).

    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

    For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

    They may have become a CLICHE to most Christians, but they are TRUTH, and will always accomplish what they say! =)

    We share our hearts and desires and faith with God when we pray, the same way Jesus did when He prayed to the Father before Jesus faced the cross. But at the same time, Jesus acknowledged and surrendered wholeheartedly to God’s sovereign will… for He knows it’s perfect.

    You sister and brother in Christ,
    May&Mark Dao

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